My one year Blog-A-versary was March 22nd and it snuck by while I wasn't looking :-) I'll have another giveaway for you very very soon to celebrate!

We had grand plans of converting it into a wonderful creative space for me but as you can see nothing has happened and at this point nothing will HA! The photo shows about 1/4 of the space and we've just used it for storage and have lots of boxes and trunks full of stuff from when we moved in and accumulated over the years. I'm sure you all know how that goes . . . I love going up there and its not a bit scarey ~ even at night! I was rummaging around and found one of my portfolios of graphic arts projects from a class I took many, many . . . many moons ago ;-) and thought you may enjoy a couple of the pieces. This was back in 1979-80 and way before PC's so everything was done by hand. I had always thought I wanted to be a commercial artist but only stayed one year and gradually got so into designing cross stitch patterns and that turned out to be my passion and profession. More about that in another post soon!
The backside is a chalkboard - complete with smudges :-)
The start of a car ad - done in Gouache, which is like a watercolor tempera paint.
Pencil drawing ~ I don't remember the project but its a lady with her feet in the sand. Her fingers seem a bit long dont they HA!!
This lady seems to have lost her mind - hehe . . . start of a fashion ad worked in watercolors. I also found all my paints and markers and they are as fresh as the day they were stored which has me inspired to start painting again. Although NOTHING like these boring projects that's for sure! I am craving pink roses of course! Thanks so much for visiting and I'll see you again soon!
Hugs and Blessings, Lynn